Error: From February 9, 2026, through May 2026, exterior refurbishment work will take place at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort. During this time, Guests may see and hear construction work during daytime hours. From February 9, 2026, through May 2026, exterior refurbishment work will take place at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort. During this time, Guests may see and hear construction work during daytime hours.

*1 US Dollar (USD) = 1 US Dollar (USD). PRICES/RATES will be charged in United States Dollars to a valid credit card. Estimate shown in local currency for convenience only and is based on the exchange rate provided by private vendors who use multiple market sources to calculate same, which may vary on a daily basis. Credit card statement will reflect a charge based on the exchange rate applied by credit card company/bank (which charge and exchange rate may differ from the estimate and exchange rate shown) and may also include additional applicable taxes and other charges or fees imposed by credit card company/bank, if any.
† Guests under age 18 must have parent or guardian permission to call.